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Displaying items17-24of50
Church World Service, CROP Hunger Walk
Providing assistance for hungry people
Faith-Based Advocacy to End Hunger
Advocating to the nation's decision makers to end hunger
Feeding of Homebound Elderly and Training Caregivers
Providing basic care services to 500 elderly people
Ganta United Methodist Mission Station Program Support
Educating the community on agriculture sustainability
Give Ye Them To Eat
Training villagers to become self-sustaining through agriculture, health and appropriate technology.
Growing Hope Globally, formerly Foods Resource Bank
Supporting agricultural development programs around the world, helping people living in hunger to help themselves and provide for their families
House of the Carpenter
Providing basic human needs such as food and clothing, and providing life skills education
Indigenous Women's Vegetable Gardening and Leadership Project in Guate
Promoting agroecological family gardens for the women of Sololá, Guatemala