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Displaying items97-104of249
Haiti Undesignated
Supporting mission work through Church partners wherever there is the greatest need
Haitian Assets for Peace International (HAPI)
helping Haitians rise through healthcare and skilled training, including maternal and infant care, and joint clinical cardiology and community outreach services to treat heart disease in rural communities in SE Haiti
Henderson Settlement
Creating opportunities for better lives through Christ-centered service.
Hispanic-Latino Ministry Challenging Fund - (National Plan for Hispani
Strengthening of the existing Hispanic/Latino ministries across the connection and more importantly support the development of new and innovative places of worship who are facing the challenges of the XXI Century.
Honduras Mission Initiative
Supporting pastors’ salaries, church partnerships, leadership development, ministry and construction
House of Mercy Orphanage
Providing a loving, safe, God-centered home for abused, neglected and homeless children
House of Prayer for All People
Acquiring a building to house worship services and related community activities
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